Simplify and Automate your Carbon Accounting
Easily track carbon emissions and report on your real estate portfolio with confidence.

Unlock energy and
utility data through our
national partners.
Data on 31 million buildings in Denmark + the UK and expanding to more countries.
Access the most
accurate market
performance indicators.
96.5%Our data coverage includes 96.5% from high quality smart meter data.
Report quicker with
audit ready calculations and
compliant methodologies.
86%Our ISAE3000 attestation reduces the amount of audit activity controls by 86%.
Drive decision
making and uncover
strategic insights.
27+Compare building performance to more than 27 benchmarks and indices.
Legacy monitors over 318.2 million tons of CO2 yearly.
Let’s direct capital to the right places and decarbonize the industry.
Carbon Reporting is more than just a good story – it’s imperative
The rules are changing. Companies are required to comply with current and future climate regulations.
Compliance dictionaryEU Taxonomy
Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
The Energy Efficiency Directive
The Energy Efficiency Directive
The Energy Efficiency Directive is a part of the EU Green Deal. It is mandated to enhance the energy efficiency of buildings to reach the CO2 reduction targets of 2030 and 2050.
Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
The Sustainable Financial Disclosure Directive requires financial companies to disclose harmful consequences to the climate from their investments which includes building portfolios
Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive
A policy tool to ensure transparency within sustainability for investors and stakeholders that is developed to push investments towards environmentally and socially sustainable activities.
The Energy Efficiency Directive
The Energy Efficiency Directive is a part of the EU Green Deal. It is mandated to enhance the energy efficiency of buildings to reach the CO2 reduction targets of 2030 and 2050.