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Jonas Nielsen @ Legacy
November 30, 2022

Proxy Data & Combined Data Sources

Uncover missing data and improve your CO2e emission reporting with Legacy’s Proxy Data

The introduction of the new functionality in Legacy provides a more holistic view of CO2e emissions, improving data coverage for real estate owners to take action from.

At Legacy, we provide our clients with the best means to understand, act and report on the carbon emissions of their real estate portfolio. However, for most organisations this has proved to be a difficult and costly task because energy consumption data is inadequate or unavailable either historically or even still today.

That is why we are proud to announce our new functionalities; Proxy Data and Combined Data Sources.

The new functionality will allow you to increase your data coverage on properties where there are currently data deficiencies - and thus give you a better view of your portfolio's performance, both now and historically. Furthermore, using this functionality, you can minimise the risk of experiencing higher emissions pr. square meter in the future once you start improving your portfolio’s data coverage and the data quality as prescribed by the legislation.

Why is this new feature important?

First, it is a reporting requirement to provide the most accurate and comprehensive carbon footprint possible. Second, proxy data and combined data sources helps by providing data in periods where data would otherwise be missing in whole or in part. The goal, of course, is to have primary data for the entire reporting period and eventually meter data instead of EPC data. Until that goal is achieved, it can be a good solution to use proxy data, even though it is based on estimates, as it gives you and your stakeholders a more complete picture of your portfolio's total emissions over time - something you would not otherwise be able to disclose.

With the new features in Legacy, you get greater data coverage for your entire real estate portfolio. And, as a result, you will minimize the risk of unpleasant surprises in future reporting by avoiding an increase in CO2e emissions per square meter. In summary, you will be able to both improve data coverage and quality.

What is Proxy Data & Combined Data Sources?

Proxy data fills potential gaps in your data collection by estimating consumption and CO2 emissions based on past or current data. Currently, the estimation is based on a building’s energy performance certificate (EPC) and therefore only available for heat and electricity consumption. While EPC data and meter data are primary data, proxy data are considered secondary data because they are estimates. Proxy is only used in the cases where no other data source is available.

The use of proxy data is included and visualised in the new dashboard view “Combined Data Sources” and the report “CO2e Inventory (Combined data sources, incl. secondary data).

With the combined data sources feature, the platform automatically compiles the emissions for each asset based on the best available data quality for each consumption type. This allows you to see and report a more comprehensive CO2e emissions compared to before.

The combined data sources prioritize data quality as follows:

  1. Digital meter data
  2. Manual meter data
  3. EPC data
  4. Proxy data

Proxy data is considered only in cases where neither meter nor EPC data is available for the asset for any period of the year.

Select the new "Combined Data Sources" as shown above to get dashboard views with aggregated data types.
In addition, there is a new CO2e Inventory (Combined Data Sources incl. secondary data) reporting option available to view and download.

Want to learn more and see how these features can help you as a real estate portfolio owner? Contact us for an introduction to automated carbon accounting.

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