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Paris Agreement

The Paris Agreement dates back to the international summit in Paris in 2015, where it was agreed to reduce the temperature by 2 degrees.

What do I need to know?

In 2015, world leaders UN met at a summit in Paris to agree on common goals to be implemented to 'save' the planet from global warming. This is a legally binding international treaty that applies to all signatory nations. The goal is for the temperature to rise by no more than 2 degrees Celsius - preferably no more than 1.5 degrees - compared to pre-industrial levels.

An important agreement in the treaty is that industrialized countries should provide financial assistance to weaker countries that do not have the financial means to drive the changes to limit climate change and global warming themselves.

Most countries have set an implementation target of 2030.

Why is it important?

The Paris Agreement guides most activities - both international and national - to reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere and thus mitigate the sharp rise in global temperatures.

Want to get started with live emission tracking for your real estate portfolio? Future proof your business with the Legacy CO2 accounting platform.

Automate your real estate CO2 emissions in one platform — act today and future proof your business.
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