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Sustainable Finance Action Plan (SFAP)

The Sustainable Finance Action Plan is the key driver for the EU's transition to zero net CO2 emissions in 2050.

The Sustainable Finance Action Plan (SFAP) is a facilitator of the green transition under the umbrella of the EU Green Deal. The idea behind it is that the financial sector is the strongest and most powerful instrument for change and therefore has been selected as one of the key drivers for the transition to a net-zero society.

The SFAP consists of a package of financial and reporting initiatives:

  • The EU Taxonomy Regulation
  • The Sustainable Financial Disclosure Regulation (SFDR)
  • The Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive (CSRD)
  • The EU Climate Transition Benchmark Regulation and the EU Paris-Alignment Benchmark Regulation
  • Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II
  • EU Green Bonds Standard

Why is it important?

SFAP implements sustainability factors into business conduct, financial advice, assessment and due diligence of potential investments. This includes a set of reporting measures that companies are required to comply with.

Is it relevant for me?

As a financial company or as a manager of a real estate portfolio, these rules have a significant impact on your assets, their value and your reporting structure.

Want to get started with live emission tracking for your real estate portfolio? Future proof your business with the Legacy CO2 accounting platform.

Automate your real estate CO2 emissions in one platform — act today and future proof your business.
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